Affiliate Code of Conduct




New Wave Management LLC (the “Company”) is committed to ensuring that its business is conducted, in all respects and at all times, according to rigorous ethical, professional and legal standards. To achieve this goal all Affiliates are expected to:

- adhere to this policy in their professional as well as personal conduct;

 - treat partners with respect, courtesy, honesty and fairness;

- respect different values, beliefs, cultures and religions;

- value the contribution of the people they work with and work cooperatively not to intimidate, harass or discriminate against other partners.


  1.                      PURPOSE

This “Code of Conduct has been formulated in order to foster and maintain Partners trust and confidence in the professionalism and the integrity of Partners by ensuring that all Partners adhere to appropriate standards of conduct as set out in this policy, that maintains and enhances the reputation of the Company. This policy aims to provide guidance to all Partners on how and in which manner should the conduct of Partners be when they are undertaking business as Affiliates of the Company.

 The circumstances of conducts as set out below in this policy, although not exhaustive, are intended to cover those situations, which are most likely perceived to be encountered by Partners. In case any Partner encounters any circumstance, which is not covered hereunder or in case of any doubt, the Partner should seek guidance from the higher-level partner (direct referral), and if the higher-level partner does not take action to resolve the problem, appeal to the Company directly.

A breach of the Policy may result in action against the Partner concerned including, potential suspension or termination of the affiliate’s application and status in the program with deleting Partner's account or any other legal action or all of the above together.

The Company expects its Partners to perform their duties in accordance with this Code of Conduct.

 If a  location or region has policies, practices, laws or regulations that require more than what is stated in this policy, then the Partners must follow this policy as a minimum and comply with such policies, practices, laws, or regulations in that particular region/country;

The Company's reputation and credibility are based upon its total commitment to ethical business practices and on ethical conduct of its Partners. To safeguard the Company's reputation, Partners must conduct themselves in accordance with the highest ethical standards and also be perceived to be acting ethically at all times. Compliance with all policies of the Company, relevant applicable laws and regulations is the minimum standard, which should be adhered to by all the Partners all the times.




Bona fide advertising

 The Partner can only lead with bona fide advertising and must not use non-ethical or illegal advertising methods, such as SPAM (mass mailing), false claims, misleading hyperlinks, advertising on sites containing/promoting illegal activities.

 The Partner must not mislead people about the features and properties of products offered on the Company's marketplace as well as regarding the affiliate program, in particular about guaranteed income, investments (the program is not an investment program), special conditions for different categories of participants.

Respect of the Company and other Partners

The Partner must respect the Company and its trademarks, not to spread and prevent the dissemination of any information that can affect the good reputation of the Company. The Partner should respect and be polite with other partners (other participants of the Affiliate program) and never disseminate any false information or diminish the capabilities, abilities, and results of other Partners.

No statements on behalf of the company

The Partner must never to speak and make any statements on behalf of the Company. In case of spreading any information about Company, the Partner should only refer to official statements and materials of the Company. The Partner cannot represent himself as an employee of the Company.

No competition

The Partner must not cooperate and participate in similar affiliate programs and structures of direct competitors, without prior written permission of the Company.

The Partner must not compete with other partners, engage any referrals previously engaged by other partners.


Fraud or the act or intent to cheat, trick, deceive, or lie — is both dishonest and, in most cases criminal. Intentional acts of fraud are subject to strict action, including possible civil and/or criminal action against the concerned Partner.

Compliance with Laws and Agreements

All Partners shall conduct activity in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of the particular District, State or Country.

                                                IV AMENDMENTS

The Company reserves the rights to change/ amend/add /delete/ modify this Policy in whole or in part, at any time without assigning any reason whatsoever. The Partners hereby unconditionally agree to all such changes / amendments / additions / deletions / modifications.